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Your personality predicts your love style

ls it possible in a western, democratic culture to predict who engages in serious or casual sex relationships by looking at people's personality traits from a psychologist's perspective? Researchers Peter K. Jonason, from the University of Western Sydney, Australia and his colleagues, Elaine Hatfield and Vicki M. Boler, believe so. When they correlated personality traits such as honesty/humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness with six different styles of love, namely, secure, clingy, skittish, fickle, casual and uninterested they found definite differences. "Individuals engage in these different relationships to serve different needs," Jonason told LiveScience.

So, what personality type behaves in which way? Here they are.

Individuals who are secure in themselves and comfortable with both emotional closeness and independence, value honesty and humility, will seek a secure love style.

In contrast, those who are casual about relationships and want little emotional intimacy and no drama or problems, engage either in a friends-with-benefits relationship (where partners have casual sex while remaining 'just friends') or in a booty-call relationship (a casual sexual relationship in which one party texts or calls the other for sex that day or evening), or just prefer one-night stands. Often, these people tend to be dishonest, opportunistic and exploitative.

Then we have the clingy love style. People who tend to be anxious, preoccupied and fearful, demand a great deal of closeness and avoid all manner of independence.

Their opposite is the skittish person, who is jumpy, edgy, unpredictable and often dismissive and avoidance seeking and desires a great deal of independence. He or she will run when forced to be close.

The last two personality traits are the fickle people and those who are not interested in any relationship. When a fickle person falls in love with someone who does not love them, they pursue them nevertheless until they have won their interests' attention, when they promptly lose interest in the other person and leave. Finally, some people are just not interested in any relationship, whether personal or sexual. There is thus no point in pursuing them at all.

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