Top 10 anti-ageing tips which add years to your life
The oldest human ever recorded was a French woman, Jeanne Calment, who reached 122 years of age (1875-1997). We all age, but at different rates and in different ways.
What is aging?
Did you know that aging already begins before birth? It is driven by molecular processes, which respond to internal and external environmental stimuli. By following the tips below you can add years to your life and live those years healthier and happier than ever before.
Top 10 anti-ageing tips
- Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen whenever you are outdoors, even in winter.
- Drink sufficient water to remain hydrated.
- Be positive, smile and laugh a lot - let any wrinkles become a sign of happiness.
- Eat a healthy diet, rich in fresh foods.
- Exercise in moderation. Include weight-bearing exercises and stretches to increase your bone-health and to build muscles. Try yoga or Tai Chi.
- Find time to relax. Practise deep breathing and meditation.
- Have regular, high quality sex.
- Live in an environment with low toxins.
- Get sufficient sleep. Humans die faster when they do not get enough sleep.
- Live life to the fullest: socialise, be passionate about what you do, keep active and occupied, challenge yourself mentally, and help others.
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